25 / September / 2016 04:27

Zionist regime using UNGA to deceive world: UN Envoy

EghtesadOnline: First Counsellor and Alternative Representative of Iran to the United Nations Hossein Maleki said that the Zionist regime is using the UN General Assembly as a tool to deceive the world.

News ID: 769698

Addressing the 71st meeting of the United Nations General Assembly on September 22, he reacted to the false remarks of the Zionist regime Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

He said the Zionist official refrained in his address from focusing on the hard core of the Palestinian issue which is the stealing of their lands and military occupation of their homes by the Zionist usurpers during the past decades. He instead elaborated on marginal and insignificant issues, according to IRNA.

Maleki stressed that the Palestinian nation will continue their war against usurpers as long as the occupation goes on.

He added that the Zionist official also tried to cover up the fact that the regime’s actions have caused a lot of suffering and plight for a people who are living under occupation. He also tried to divert the public attention from Zionist regime's stockpiles of nuclear bombs, chemical weapons and militarism which has been going on for several decades.

According to Maleki, the Zionist official continued to level baseless allegations against Iran and unfoundedly accused the country of leading the trend of terrorism in the world without offering any proofs and clues to his claim.

This is despite the fact that Iran has been in the frontline of the fight against terrorism in the region, he added.

Maleki noted that unlike what the Zionist official tried to say during his address to the UNGA, the Zionist entity’s assistance to Daesh terrorists who are active inside Syria is a well proven fact to the world.

He said that the present isolated situation of the Zionist regime indicates the unwillingness of world leaders and nations in approving the Zionist regime lies against Iran.

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